Week 11

    I wasn’t expecting to come across as many issues as I did while trying to figure out how to scan someone’s face, create a custom metahuman using the scanned face, and retarget the motion capture onto the metahuman. I was constantly met with errors like these that prohibited me from simply following along in a tutorial. I frequently went to help forums in hopes for a solution that isn’t outdated or downright confusing. I somehow managed to get the retargeted animations out of Maya and into Unreal. They aren’t counter animated just yet. I do see the issues with the fingers the most, but I want to get my sequencer situated with camera angles and choreography of the different animations.

    I am planning to do three camera shots. I wanted to do a shot where it’s through his POV. His hand would be covering the glaring sun. Then, the camera flips to him in the same position, squinting his eyes, casting a shadow over his own face with his hand. The next shot is him noticing what’s going on in the game and clumsily catching the ball only to drop it. I wanted to do five shots with the last shot being him shooting a hoop, but I decided to simplify it because of how quickly the school semester is ending.

    With four weeks left, I have to plan to the very end because there's a lot I wanted to do, but I just found myself running into issues. My main focus will be the expression test. I want to do three expressions total. I think I can get that done over two weeks. I plan to work on this mocap sequence whenever I'm not too stressed because doing something this new and out of my comfort zone has proven to be stressful. I believe I can have at least three shots with an environment completed over the four weeks of school. After the expression test, I just want to a light block out of the prison scene over the final two weeks. Nothing fancy, but I have been afraid of this big scene, and I just want to begin the process of tackling something like that. We'll see how well I stick to my plan.


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