Post 8

    I decided to go back and finalize the woman’s cat walk. I made her shoulders and hip movements have more of a pop by grabbing the in middle keys and translating them in the graph editor to happen closer to the highest sway with a longer drag of in between motion. I noticed the fingers were quite unnatural, so I redid them. I made the fingers straight at the highest part of the arc and curled at the lowest part of the arc. I offset the wrist and fingers, so it looked like they were following along with the flow of the rest of the arm.

    Mark said that I needed contrast as feedback to my animation. I envisioned this cat’s walk and model’s catwalk to look almost identical to show kind of how owners resemble their pets. However, I decided to make the cat’s walk loop two times quicker than the model’s catwalk, so they only match once in the loop. I also made the cat have a very quick blink with a more exaggerated tail bounce, while the model has a slow blink with a less emphasized head bounce. I implemented the feedback of keeping the model’s back foot planted for a little longer as well as adding more rotation to the hair.

    I added a key light, fill light, and pink rim light to really contrast with my blue characters. I turned off the shadows for the fill light, because it was pretty distracting to have so many shadows. I also set and locked my cameras, and rendered it all out for my demo reel. It turned out a lot darker than my viewport, but I think I’ll just edit it to be lighter.


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