Post 4

    For this week, I got a little behind my schedule because I overrode my runway model’s cat walk with some kind of random attack animation that I started but only got two poses down. I was so sad to find that out, because I knew that I foolishly did my walk cycle on one file. I know I shouldn’t have, but I plan to catch up in the next three days, since I don’t work at my job those three days. I’m still fixing up that walk cycle back to its original progress, and I’ll be focusing on implementing the feedback I received from class afterwards.

    I also showed up to Mark Pullyblank’s office hours to talk about the walk cycle of a quadruped. I couldn’t quite tell what was wrong with my quadruped walk, because I was looking at very similar references. In that zoom meeting though, it was very eye-opening seeing how Mark used the reference compared to how I did. He drew lines to measure how straight the back was, how far the legs went, and how angled each part of the body was. I also learned some pretty good tips. For example, I shouldn’t use the overall body control to push the cat’s body up since it’s very unnatural in the real world. Instead, I should move the cat’s hips and spine to push the cat’s body up. This simple tip is seen very clearly in the before and after.

    I still have a lot of polishing to do, but I feel a lot better about the foundation of my quadruped animation. Right now, I see my schedule pushed back by one week. I’ll be finishing up the model’s cat walk and cat’s walk this week. I’ll be storyboarding, collecting assets, and roughly blocking for my upcoming animation next week.


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